It’s no secret the weather in the Midwest can be brutal! We see ourselves saying old familiar lines like, “It’s not that hot, but the humidity will get you!” We also recognize that the summers and heat waves can be dangerously hot here, to the extent we seem to almost always be in a heat advisory. On top of this extreme weather and record temperatures, we can get even more heated when our air conditioner bill comes in. We all need a plan to keep cool and keep that bill in check. Let’s discuss your air conditioner bill, and what can be done to keep it from rising right along with the heat.

The heat can be very dangerous in the Midwest!

Why Your Air Conditioner Bill Is High

What contributes to your air conditioner bill being so high? The clear answer is high energy consumption, but what’s specifically the problem? Let’s take a look at a few common culprits:

Outdated Equipment

How old is your air conditioner unit? HVAC systems typically last 15 to 25 years before they start to malfunction. You also have to factor in how modern innovations have changed the equipment’s lifespan. The older the unit, the less efficient it’s going to be, driving up your energy usage. Depending on how long it’s been, and if Lou Holtz was still the Notre Dame football coach when you last replaced your air conditioner (he left in 1996), it may be time to invest in a modern unit to increase efficiency and improve functionality.

Lack of Maintenance

Improper maintenance, or the lack thereof, is probably the most common root of a high air conditioner bill. Routine maintenance is crucial to beat the heat, especially in the spring to prepare for the summer. Regular checks ensure problems are caught and addressed as soon as possible.

Improper Installation

Unfortunately, there is also a chance your AC was not installed the right way. An improper installation could include missing parts, bad electrical connections, bad brazing and welding, non-sealed duct connections, or other errors. Faulty installations would lead to high air conditioner bills and lead to a lot of breakdowns. That’s why you want to trust a professional to do your installation.  

Two friends enjoy playing video games at home after sorting out their Air Conditioner bill.

Sorting out your AC bill can help you relax and enjoy your time at home!

5 Tips from ALL Temp Experts on Lowering Your AC Bill

With this understanding of your air conditioner bill, what can you do to resolve the problem? Let’s talk through some solutions:

1. Programmable Thermostat

Using a smart or programmable thermostat is a great way to trim down your bill. With a programmable thermostat, you can save energy by setting the heat to go up when you’re away. You can also set varying temperatures for your home depending on if you’re at work, at home, or in bed at night. These are customizable to suit your needs and schedule. 

2. Regular Maintenance 

We touched on this before, but maintaining your AC is a fantastic way to keep your unit efficient and operational. Whether it’s dirty AC filters, or dirty evaporator and condenser coils, it’s critical to have your AC supported and have preventive maintenance to save you money and headaches in the long run. 

3. Sealing and Insulation 

Sealing and insulating are two key players in keeping your home cool and efficient. Are you keeping your windows sealed shut on hot days? Is your home sealed and insulated in areas around windows and doors? Is your attic well insulated? These are all important questions to ask and check on around your home. 

4. Energy-Efficient Units

This may feel like an obvious one, but it needs to be emphasized that investing in an energy-efficient air conditioning unit, with a good SEER rating, is a huge step toward lower energy bills. ALL Temp is proud to offer updated systems to install for you.

5. Proper Unit Size and Installation Suggestions

Every home and air conditioning solution is different. We really can’t say enough how crucial it is to have a proper installation, and have a custom solution tailored to your home. This will help make sure that your unit runs as efficiently as possible with minimal breakdowns.

Partner with ALL Temp

Are you ready to take the step toward lower air conditioning bills? With ALL Temp Heating & Cooling, we can fulfill your air conditioning, installation, and maintenance needs to help keep you and your family cool. Fight back against extreme weather and energy bills. With over 20 years in business, you can rely on us for all your cooling needs. Contact us today to get started!

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